Desperately Seeking Alix was created in 2018 during a time where I was suffering from a particularly bad period of mental health illness. During this time I decided I needed a change of scenery and impulsively decided to travel to New Zealand. This blog was originally set up so friends and family could be up to date with what I was doing but it has grown. This platform is now used to share my stories, experiences and struggles with mental health but also stories about the past, travel, photographs and lifestyle.

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Highlight of the Month

I am going to share with you my highlight of the month and post on the last day of each month for the year. In the current climate it is incredibly easy to become disillusioned and think negatively, so I am hoping by sharing a small highlight, it reminds us there is a glimmer of hope in all the darkness.


Book Corner

Keep up to date with the books I have read, reading or want to read. I will share my opinion on the book and look to get more recommendations from you!

To get involved with my book corner, follow this link:


31 things to do before I’m 31

Everyone loves a bucket list challenge and due to covid, I have decided to try to complete 31 things before my 31st birthday.

To read the full list and keep an eye on how I’m getting on follow this link:


Favourite Quotes for May

Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living.


Your life isn’t yours if you always care what others think.


Better an oops than a what if.


I am a sucker for a good quote!

Every month I will share 3 quotes that speak to me- they might inspire you, make you laugh or make you think.

On the left are my quotes for January. What do you think? Is there one that speaks to you more than the others?

Let me know in the comments.


Desperately Seeking Alix is a personal blog written by myself.

I discuss my struggles and experiences with mental health. I also discuss travel, share stories, goals and photographs.

All opinions, experiences and views expressed are my own.

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