Book Corner

Welcome to my book corner!

For a while I have been contemplating creating a separate instagram account to log the books I have read, books I am wanting to read, leave reviews and connect with fellow bookworms but, in line with one of my goals for 2021 (use this blog platform more effectively), I have decided to overhaul my blog and include things I love- one of these being reading.

I love reading but I noticed after a holiday last year in Menorca I don’t do enough of it in my day to day life. On holiday I can quite easily read 7 or more books as I enjoy lying in the sun with my book and have no real desire to move (except for a dip in the water or to get a cold drink). In my day to day life (and I think this can be said for the majority of us), I tend to get too wrapped up in watching boxsets, tidying or doing something that gives the appearance of me using my time well as I feel sitting down with a book can be perceived as anti-social or lazy.

Another thing I noticed when I was looking through my read books on my kindle: I read a similar genre. Now there is nothing wrong with that but after doing English Literature A Level and reading some quite heavy books, I want to push myself in terms of the literature I choose. I have some books on my kindle that have been recommended to me but not chosen because of the genre or I am unfamiliar with the author. This is something I am determined to change this year and to do this I created a ‘Book Jar’.

What is a book jar you ask?! After conducting hours of research into ‘Books You Must Read’, adding to my book pin board on pintrest and making a note of the books left unread on my kindle, I created a list. This list is 100 books ranging in genres, styles and authors that I want to read this year. Due to being incredibly indecisive about what book I should read next, I decided to take that decision away from me and put all the titles of the books on individual pieces of paper and mix them up in my ‘Book Jar’. Not knowing what I am going to read next really appeals to me and by picking a random piece of paper, you are unable to talk yourself out of reading it (I am incredibly guilty of this too)!

In January, I read 9 of the 100 books out of my jar. They were extremely varied and whilst I enjoyed reading some more than others, I have kept engaged and really enjoyed the hour (or three) I spent reading on a daily basis.

As this is just an introduction to explain why I created a ‘Book Corner’ on my blog I won’t share with you my thoughts on those books just yet but my January review will be posted this week. Also, please keep an eye on my instagram & twitter accounts as I will start to share more views on those platforms too.

Happy Reading Everyone!

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