
Thirty, Flirty and Thriving- Nearly

In 48hours time I turn 30. I know, I can’t believe it either. In the run up to entering the next decade of my life I have been doing a lot of reflecting and that’s what has led me to writing this piece. My Mum and I had a good chat the other day about…

Book Corner

Welcome to my book corner! For a while I have been contemplating creating a separate instagram account to log the books I have read, books I am wanting to read, leave reviews and connect with fellow bookworms but, in line with one of my goals for 2021 (use this blog platform more effectively), I have…

31 things to do before I’m 31

On April 3rd 2020, I celebrated my 29th birthday. I was in Modena, Italy and in the midst of a very tough lockdown in which we could only leave the apartment to go to the supermarket. At the time I was working as an English teacher and thankfully had a balcony and flatmate who I…

Hello 2021!

Hello 2021, Is it just me or has the first week of January seemed to last forever?! When the news broke last week announcing we were to go back into lockdown – I wasn’t angry, I was just disappointed. It wasn’t a surprise to me in the slightest, in actual fact I wanted us to…


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