31 things to do before I’m 31

On April 3rd 2020, I celebrated my 29th birthday. I was in Modena, Italy and in the midst of a very tough lockdown in which we could only leave the apartment to go to the supermarket. At the time I was working as an English teacher and thankfully had a balcony and flatmate who I continue to get along very well with. It wasn’t the birthday I had planned but beer, pizza, zoom chats and FaceTime made it extremely bearable and I comforted myself by saying ‘thank goodness it isn’t my 30th’.

After my 29th birthday I started to compile a list of 30 things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 30 this year. This list was full of travel – both domestic and abroad, trying new food, going to a restaurant or bar I really wanted to but not yet had the chance or experiences such as segway, the zip line in Snowdonia. You get the idea. However, I never published it due to the sinking feeling that restrictions wouldn’t be lifted for me to have the time or opportunity to complete them and unfortunately it turns out I was right!

So with restrictions looking to be in place for my 30th birthday, I started to compile a list of ’30 things to do before I’m 30 – The Lockdown Edition’ in early January and to be honest, it was incredibly boring! Running 5km, learning to play a specific song on the guitar or reading 15 books didn’t inspire me and it would not have made for good reading so I scrapped it.

Due to feeling a little lost and unmotivated this month, my mum she suggested ’31 Things to do before I’m 31′ and after much deliberation/editing/deleting/changing my mind, my final list is below..

  1. Give blood at least 4 times (1st Donation: 09/06/2021, next donation 29/09/2021)
  2. Go paint balling
  3. Learn to play the guitar
  4. Explore Edinburgh
  5. Climb Snowdon
  6. Visit the Lake District
  7. Visit Bath
  8. Read all the books in my jar
  9. Complete a charity race
  10. Learn to play the ukulele ✅
  11. Play an instrument socially
  12. Go to a show on the West End
  13. Eat at Outlaws in Port Isaac
  14. Outdoor swimming ✅
  15. Visit Ireland
  16. Go to a drive-in movie
  17. Watch a rugby game at Sandy Park
  18. Make Sourdough
  19. Raise at least £1000 for charity
  20. Make croissants
  21. Make Panettone
  22. Celebrate St. Patricks Day in Birmingham
  23. Take a dance class
  24. Start regular yoga classes
  25. Have full body massage (Booked)
  26. Take a train journey through the Scottish Highlands
  27. Go to Oktoberfest (UK)
  28. Own a car
  29. Go to a Farmer’s Market
  30. Learn to juggle (I am learning- it is much more difficult than I thought it would be)
  31. Watch at least 15 classic films

Due to Covid restrictions not looking likely to be lifted anytime soon, I have purposefully chosen places to visit within the UK. As soon as I complete one of these goals, I will upload a story about the experience and include any photos and videos I have.

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